Showing posts with label Pampers Cruisers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pampers Cruisers. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Huggies and Pampers and Luvs, Oh My!

Well, I think we've finally got the diaper situation solved... at least for now!

After we experienced some redness and leakage with the new Pampers Dry Max, my husband picked up packages of Huggies and Luvs for us to try. The Huggies worked OK during the day, but we were still having leaks at night and the pee smell was really noticeable. The Luvs however are GREAT day and night for us and I don't notice a bad smell (chemical or pee) at all--this is something I didn't expect from a "value" diaper brand.

Luvs Baby Diapers Leakguard Protection

We're still using our remaining Pampers Dry Max during the day, since we have a huge box and the baby does do fine in them for just an hour or two, but at night we're using Luvs and will switch exclusively to Luvs once the Pampers run out.

Why I like: The Luvs diapers are soft on the inside and not bad on the outside either--although they do make that crinkly sound you find in many baby toys (I personally love that sound so it doesn't bug me one bit.) They don't have a mesh "poop catcher" like the Swaddlers, but the countoured fit of the Luvs have kept all of our messes in the diapers so far. Anyway, the mesh in the new Swaddlers kept getting stuck to my little one's private property (thank you Bonnie Hunt for that term!)

We did buy a size up as many reviews suggested (we're using a size 3 for our 15-pounder), so this is maybe adding to our success. Who knows? I'm just a happy mama for the extra sleep they allow me!

My only worry is that Luvs are made by the same company as Pampers (Proctor and Gamble), so I hope they won't change the design of Luvs on us like they did with the Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers! I don't think they realize how one chink in the chain can effect a mom and baby's sanity. My fingers are crossed!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Revised Product Review: New Pampers Swaddlers with Dry Max

I've been updating and revising my Pampers Swaddlers Dry Max review as the days go by. I've been having some annoying leaks and the baby is getting a mild diaper rash, so I'm not as happy about the diapers as I was a few days ago. Check out the review with my edits HERE or just scroll down to the previous post.

What a pain in the butt!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Product Review: New Pampers Swaddlers with Dry Max

Pampers Swaddlers Diapers with DryMax for your New Baby
Please note that this review has been edited below in red. I'm not as pleased now with the new diapers as I originally was (guess I needed a couple more days to see the negatives), so we may be looking into other diapering options at this point.

Earlier this week, I posted about the uproar over the new Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers with Dry Max. I've been using the new Swaddlers for two days now and here are my thoughts:

(First things first for comparison: I'm using Pampers Swaddlers with Dry Max Size 2-3 for my 14-pound son.)

Unlike what I've been hearing about the new Pampers Cruisers, the new Swaddlers DO have the patented mesh lining. Thank God because I really feel like the mesh holds messes in the diaper. Some folks are reporting more blowouts with the new diapers, but this has not been the case with us so far.

The new diapers are indeed less soft than the old Swaddlers, but only on the outside area which does not touch the baby. I did a good old rubbing the diaper on my cheek test and the new ones were a little scratchy. The old ones made me say "ahhh."

The absorbent material does not go up all the way to the top of the diaper in the back, but it does in the front. However, I haven't noticed a difference in absorbency between the new and the old diapers, which were absorbent all around. We have not had any leaks. Also, the absorbent gel does puff up the thin diaper considerably, but the gel has always remained soft for us and never got hard as some have complained. My son hasn't shown any discomfort, and I have left him in the diaper overnight (5-6 hrs).**

**4/16 EDIT: We had our first leak last night, up and over the back of the diaper where the absorbent material runs out after only 2 hours of sleep. Bah! I will keep you posted on more!**

**4/17 EDIT: We had another leak last night/early this morning. It went not only up and over but THROUGH the back area of the diaper where there is no absorbent material. SO frustrating. It happens really early in the morning when he has a lot of pee, so perhaps I'll have to switch his diapers just for overnight.

I'm also noticing my little one's bum getting a bit red, which is concerning. I'll keep you posted!**

I have not noticed a diaper rash on my son, but I am really being extra careful--applying tons of Balmex at each change. I'll keep an eye out and report here if I do notice the beginnings of a rash as some are reporting severe chemical-burn-like rashes, possibly from the new diapers.**

The worst things about the new Swaddlers are that they took away the wetness indicator line on the front (I loved that thing!) and they smell terrible! I got the distinct whiff of chemical when I opened up the package, which concerned me. And, while the smell dissipates a bit to a sort of powdery smell in the open air, once the diaper gets wet, the chemical smell returns with a vengeance.

If something could be done to get rid of the smell and the wetness indicator line returned, I'd probably give the Dry Max Swaddlers two thumbs up. For now, however, I'll give them just a thumb, and hope for the best. (Boo to you, Pampers. A thumb down now! Bring back the old design, please!)

Anyone in agreement/disagreement?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Uproar Over New Pampers Dry Max Swaddlers and Cruisers

Pampers Swaddlers Diapers with DryMax for your New Baby
If you're diapering a little one, you've probably heard that Pampers has come out with a new line of "Dry Max" Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers, replacing all of their regular Swaddlers and Cruisers with these "new and improved" products. I was pretty annoyed to find that I couldn't purchase the old product at all anymore--we just figured out that normal Swaddlers fit our baby best! And what's more troubling is that the new Pampers have been arriving in the old boxes, so many parents weren't aware they were purchasing a new product.

Well, here's more to perhaps be troubled about: a page has popped up on Facebook calling for the return of the old Pampers, with one of the reasons being a high incidence of severe diaper rash (check this blog for a photo if you're not squeamish; the Facebook discussion about rash is HERE.)

If you hang around the discussion boards of the FB page, you'll read a lot of interesting info about the switch, including a response from Pampers North America VP Jodi Allen which does not seem to be satisfying many mamas.

However, the ladies at Chatter Scene have a discussion going right now, though, and many are having no problems at all with the new product. I've got a HUGE box of Pampers Swaddlers due to be delivered to my door any day now, so I'll be sure to tell you my experience with the new product... even though I'm not certain if its worth taking the chance with Andrew's precious bottom!

Let me know what you think of this new Pampers too!