Showing posts with label Dr. Marti Gilbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Marti Gilbert. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Doctor Search Continues: Dr. Richard Roberts $ Dr. Marti Gilbert

I set my sites upon an OB/GYN with great reviews who delivers at several Queens hospitals: Dr. Richard Roberts, who has offices in Glendale, Flushing, and Great Neck. However, I just got off the phone with his office and he isn't delivering anymore! And, the delivering doctor at the practice, Dr. Marti Gilbert (who has received wonderful reviews too), is on maternity leave due to complications with her own delivery. Aiyaiyai.

I hope to have a great Queens OB/GYN to tell you about soon. I do have a lot of requirements--easy to get to by walking/bus, delivers at Long Island Jewish, has great reviews, etc.--but I don't think those are too irrational. I mean, don't we all want our baby to be in the best hands?

Not that I'm saying my husband wouldn't be super careful if he did indeed have to catch the baby football-style, in a car, in a snowstorm. ;)